You can change the default settings and finetune the monitors to your needs using the Anomaly settings on each test.

In general, users will rely on the automated machine learning model anomaly settings. However, in some cases, an anomaly in the data is not relevant to your business. For this cases, the custom settings are useful.

Settings simulator

For some supported settings, Elementary offers a simulation of the change impact on latest results. You can use the Simulate Configuration button after the change and before saving.

Supported settings

All monitors

  • Severity - Should a failure be considered a warning or a failure. Default is warning.
  • Test metadata - Add metadata such as tags and owner to the test.

Volume monitor

  • Anomaly Direction - Whether you want the monitor to fail on anomalous drops, spikes, or both. Default is both.
  • Sensitivity - You can set the monitor's sensitivity levels to Low, Medium, or High. In the future, we plan to allow for more nuanced adjustments to this parameter. You can use the Simulate Configuration button for testing how the change will affect the monitor.
  • Detection Period - The period in which the monitor look for anomalies. Default is the last 2 days.

Freshness monitor

  • Sensitivity - You can set the monitor's sensitivity levels to Low, Medium, or High. For each level, you will see a simulation of the change impact on the latest result, and you can use theSimulate Configuration button to examine the change impact.

Disable monitor

To disable a monitor from running, press the ... button on the top right of the test result and then Delete test. This will disable the monitor. To re-activate deleted monitors, reach out to support.