Elementary Cloud

Ideal for teams monitoring mission-critical data pipelines, requiring guaranteed uptime and reliability, short-time-to-value, advanced features, collaboration, and professional support. The solution is secure by design, and requires no access to your data from cloud.

Elementary Community

An open-source CLI tool you can deploy and orchestrate to send Slack alerts and self-host the Elementary report. It is best for data and analytics engineers that require basic observability capabilities or for evaluating features without vendor approval.

Features comparison

Community (OSS)Elmentary Cloud
Data monitoring and detection
Automated freshness, volume
and schema monitors
In-pipeline data tests (via dbt)
Data anomaly detection
Custom SQL tests
Jobs performance and run results
Monitored data setsdbt onlyAll tables
Root cause and impact analysis
Table-level lineage
Column-level lineage
Lineage to BI tools
Coverage and configuration
Configuration as code (dbt YAML)
Add tests from UI
🚧 Auto-tune configurations
for improved accuracy
🚧 Automated test recommendations
Communication and collaboration
Slack and MS Teams alerts
Alert distribution rules, multiple
destinations, custom formats
Additional alert destinations:
PagerDuty, OpsGenie, Webhook
Alert actions
Data catalog
Data Health Score
Incident management
Deployment, security and service
DeploymentSelf hosted, CLICloud service
Multiple environments and data warehouses
Secure by design -
Elementary has no access to raw data
Managed service - 99.9% uptime,
no maintenance
Social login with Google
SSO using OKTA / OneLogin / AD
Custom deployment options
Role based access control
Support SLACommunity support24 hours SLA

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