Try Elementary cloud

Running Elementary OSS in production means to include the dbt package in your production dbt project, and setting up an automated manner to run the Elementary CLI.

You can choose any system that allows you to orchestrate a CLI execution, as long as it can meet the following requirements:

  • Full installation of Elementary Python package and dependencies.
  • Network access to the data warehouse.
  • Access to a profiles.yml file with elementary profile name.
  • Read and write permissions to the Elementary schema.

Elementary --env flag

When you run Elementary in production use the --env prod flag (By default, it is set to dev). This will show the environment as prod in the report and alerts.

Elementary production deployment and jobs

Your deployment of Elementary has two parts:

Part 1 - Elementary package in your production dbt project

In your dbt jobs, after you deploy the Elementary dbt package:

  1. Run and test results - Collected by default as part of your runs.
  2. Elementary tests - Make sure your dbt test runs include elementary tests.
  3. Update dbt artifacts - Elementary uses the dbt artifacts models to enrich the report, alerts and lineage. To update the artifacts data, run the elementary dbt artifacts models.

Part 2 - Elementary CLI

On an orchestration system of your choice, run the CLI to:

  1. Send Slack alerts - Use the edr monitor --env prod command and Slack integration.
  2. Generate a report - Use the edr report --env prod or edr send-report --env prod that has built in support for sending the report to Slack / GCS / S3.

What permissions Elementary requires?

The CLI needs to have permissions to access the profiles.yml file with the relevant profile, and network access to the data warehouse.

Also, in the elementary profile, the credentials should have permissions to:

  • Read all project schemas
  • Write to the elementary schema

On your dbt project, make sure that Elementary dbt package can:

  • Read all project schemas
  • Write to the elementary schema
  • Create a schema (alternatively, you can create the elementary schema in advance)

When to run Elementary?

For sending alerts or generating a report, there are two options:

  1. Run Elementary CLI after each relevant dbt job (dbt test / dbt build / dbt run).
  2. Run Elementary CLI periodically in a frequency that fits your dbt job executions.

Ways to run Elementary in production

If your organization is using dbt-core, it would probably be a good choice to orchestrate Elementary using the same system that orchestrates dbt.

Any automation server / orchestration tool supports running a CLI tool like Elementary.

Some options include:

  1. Elementary cloud
  2. GitHub Actions - Checkout the Elementary GitHub Action we created.
  3. Docker
  4. GitLab CI
  5. Airflow
  6. Prefect
  7. Meltano - Checkout the custom Elementary integration developed by Stéphane Burwash - Potloc.
  8. Using cron

Need help?

If you want to consult on production deployment, we would love to help!
Please reach out to us on Slack, we could talk there or schedule a deployment video call.