After you install the dbt package, you can add Elementary data anomaly detection tests.

Data anomaly detection dbt tests

Elementary dbt package includes anomaly detection tests, implemented as dbt tests. These tests can detect anomalies in volume, freshness, null rates, and anomalies in specific dimensions, among others. The tests are configured and executed like any other tests in your project.

Table (model / source) tests

- Volume anomalies

elementary.volume_anomalies Monitors the row count of your table over time per time bucket (if configured without timestamp_column, will count table total rows).

- Freshness anomalies

- Event freshness anomalies

elementary.event_freshness_anomalies Monitors the freshness of event data over time, as the expected time it takes each event to load - that is, the time between when the event actually occurs (the event timestamp), and when it is loaded to the database (the update timestamp). Configuring event_timestamp_column is required, and update_timestamp_column is optional.

- Dimension anomalies

elementary.dimension_anomalies This test monitors the frequency of values in the configured dimension over time, and alerts on unexpected changes in the distribution. It is best to configure it on low-cardinality fields. The test counts rows grouped by given dimensions (columns/expressions).

- All columns anomalies

elementary.all_columns_anomalies Executes column level monitors and anomaly detection on all the columns of the table. Specific monitors are detailed here. You can use column_anomalies param to override the default monitors, and exclude_prefix / exclude_regexp to exclude columns from the test.

Column tests

- Columns anomalies

Adding tests examples

Configure your elementary anomaly detection tests

If your data set has a timestamp column that represents the creation time of a field, it is highly recommended configuring it as a timestamp_column.

To support different types of data sets, the tests have configuration that can be used to customize their behavior. Read more about data anomaly detection tests configuration here.

We recommend adding a tag to the tests so you could execute these in a dedicated run using the selection parameter --select tag:elementary. If you wish to only be warned on anomalies, configure the severity of the tests to warn.

What happens on each test?

Upon running a test, your data is split into time buckets based on the time_bucket field and is limited by the training_period var. The test then compares a certain metric (e.g. row count) of the buckets that are within the detection-period to the row count of all the previous time buckets within the training_period period. If there were any anomalies in the detection period, the test will fail. On each test elementary package executes the relevant monitors, and searches for anomalies by comparing to historical metrics.

To learn more, refer to core concepts.

What does it mean when a test fails?

When a test fail, it means that an anomaly was detected on this metric and dataset. To learn more, refer to core concepts and anomaly detection.