May 17, 2023: v0.7.10 Python, v0.7.8 dbt package

🔥 What’s new?

  • New artifacts model - dbt_columns 🆕

    • Many users requested that we add this model with useful information about the columns in your project.
    • We also plan to add features to the report and alerts based on this data. Stay tuned… :coming-soon:
    • (This is not yet supported for Databricks, working on it)
  • New lineage filters - Tags and owners #️⃣👥

    • You can now filter the lineage to see only the nodes that are relevant to a business department or a specific owner, and their upstream and downstream nodes.
    • We also made some general improvements to the filters usability like adding search and clear all.
  • Test results sample size in the report can be changed 🔢

    • The report is no longer limited to 5 results, you can change this by adding the var:
      • test_sample_row_count: 10
  • New flag - edr --version 🏁

💫 More changes

  • Alerts suppression interval is no longer limited to 24 hours.
  • Added indicative exceptions to Elementary tests.
  • time_bucket can now be configured in model and var levels as well.
  • Created workarounds to solve breaking changes in dbt 1.5.0 adapters:
  • Not rely on Databricks adapter to create temp tables - Thanks @Joseph Berni@fitz and @Dharit Sura for reporting!
  • Run queries from run instead of run-operation due to bug in Redshift adapter - Thank you @Eugene Sobolev for reporting and investigating with us!

🐞 Bug fixes