Elementary 0.8.2
June 28, 2023: v0.8.2 Python, v0.8.2 dbt package
🔥 What’s new?
Node info is now available on the lineage view ℹ️🔗
- When clicking on a node on the lineage you are now able to see the node’s metadata (owners, tags and description) and job info (job id and name)!
- See how it looks in the attached image 👀
- Stay tuned - next version will also include exposure info 😱📺
We improved our table components for environments with long tables name 🌀
- We’ve added the ability to minimize the side bar and set a default width for some of the columns
- Thanks @Jon Simpson for bringing this up!
💫 More changes
- Fixed a bug where alerts tag selectors did not work. Thanks @panapost and @Noam Moskowitz for bringing this up!
- Fixed a bug where the report was being sent via Slack although it was hosted. Thanks @Javier López Tomás for noticing.
- Handled a situation where the report failed to generate if there are html tags in any of the fields. Thanks @Pedro Gillet Soares for letting us know.
- Added pg_catalog to redshift macros so they work with late binding views. Thank you kochalex for contributing! 🤩
Node info in lineage view