Elementary connects to the code repository where your dbt project code is managed, and opens PRs with configuration changes.

Simply Click the blue button that says “Connect with Elementary Github App” and follow the instructions. In the menu that opens up later on, select the repository where your dbt project is stored, and if needed the branch and path to the dbt project.

Create a Github fine-grained token

If for some reason you prefer to, you can connect to Github using a fine-grained token managed by your team instead. Here is how you can create one:

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your profile photo, then click Settings.
  2. On the bottom of the left sidebar, click Developer settings.
  3. On the left sidebar, select Personal access tokens > Fine-grained tokens.
  4. Click Generate new token.
  5. Enter a token name, expiration (we recommend 90 days) and description.
  6. Under Resource owner select the owner of the dbt project repo. If it is missing, you need to contact the resource owner administrator and ask him to approve fine-grained personal access tokens. Read more in For more information, see “Setting a personal access token policy for your organization”.
  7. Under Repository access select Only selected repositories and select the repo of your dbt project (see picture).
Github token - select dbt project repository

Github token - select dbt project repository

  1. Under Permissions, grant the following scopes:
  • Pull Requests (read and write)
  • Contents (read and write)
Github token - required permissions

Github token - required permissions

  1. Click Generate token.

Connect Github to Elementary

Navigate to the Account settings > Environments and choose the environment to which you would like to connect the dbt project code repository. Select Connect code repository, and under Github enter the generated token and repo full name:

Github connection to Elementary

Github connection to Elementary